My Approach
Great designers are like seasoned counsellors: they ask questions, they listen to the answers and actively reflect what is said, back. This is not just for the counsellor’s own comprehension, but to help the other person process and articulate their own thoughts.
Similarly, I’m not content with surface-level understanding of a problem. I dig and I probe until I get down to the very root of the issue. I use robust research to generate knowledge and potential solutions. I am committed to listening, learning and leveling up my work and my skills. These practices help me create solutions that actually address the core issues hidden underneath every client’s request.
My creative practice is rooted in well-established design methods. But the process doesn’t end there.
Close-up of sketch (above): ideating on a futuristic bicycle design.
I’m not content with creating a “good enough” solution or recommending a short-term strategy with minimal value. In order to truly embrace a diverse group of users and evolve in step with changing needs, I think and create with the future in mind. My design solutions are responsible, sustainable and compassionate. It is important to me to find ways to add value to people’s lives through my designs and decisions.
Comprehensive research is the catalyst for clever and innovative recommendations that help me partner with clients to achieve their aims and provide a roadmap pointing them in the direction that they want to go.
Close-up of collage-sketch (above): that time I used collage as an alternative sketching method to ideate on a futuristic bicycle design.